Cost Assessment for Training Seminar Courses for Asset Based Lending


Regardless of your cost assessment for Asset Based Lending training seminar courses, you want high quality.  How about "VERY high quality ABL training seminars?  We have that.

The key developer of this course catalog started in Asset Based Lending in 1985 and has been with ABL for the entire time as a field examiner, troubleshooter, software developer and both live and on-line seminar instructor.  In fact, the co-owners of ABLTrain were the first to challenge larger ABL training programs that use walk-on instructors who have limited course development experience and we've trained several of the top industry instructors.  The first stand-up (live) course developed by our team in 1993 took over one year to develop (not one week or one month).  Our team leader is considered to be among a handful of the ABL professionals that are experts in the areas of ABL technology, training delivery, training technology, ABL Field Exam techniques, fraud detection and ABL monitoring.   

Some of the ABLTrain employees were instrumental in the development of the software used to make ABLTrain possible.  Our founder has served on the prestigious Adobe CS Board of Advisors for CS4 and CS5, CS5.5, CS6 eLearning tools and presented at the Adobe eLearning Summit 2012.  He has also developed and taught the #1 ABL Intermediate ABL Audit and the Data Analysis Techniques for Auditors (DATA) course through our parent Clear Choice Seminars, Inc.  The technology used for ABLTrain includes developers in the USA, India and Greece, an in-house video studio and sound room, plus the years of time it took to bring these elements together.

ABLTrain was initially development from 2005 through 2012 and included eleven individuals with specific talents in the software development and training fields.  Development and refinements continue.  Some of our presentations took over one day to create a single slide, and there are over 1,000 hours in the quizzes and finals.  No rush here, just a commitment to build a great product and nobody in the ABL industry has ever invested this much time and detail into courseware.  Quality comes before any release to users and the level of detail, automation and ease of use with ABLTrain are clear.

Everyone should be a lifelong learner and thus stay knowledgeable and efficient. Education for better skills will improve efficiency and performance, but also decrease the risks of fraud and losses.

But back to your assessment of the cost, we have the important quality part covered:

Description Live & Webinar Training ABLTrain
Live Training - Travel Cost $800.00 $0.00
Self-Study / Webinar - Travel Cost $0.00 $0.00
Course Cost $700.00 - $1,000.00 See list
Time Away From Work - Days 2-5 days 0 days
Time Away From Work - Percent 0.8% - 2.1% na
Time Away From Work - Lost Profits 0.8% - 2.1% na
Salary Cost Per Lost 1/2 Week (1) $500.00 - $600.00 na
Salary Cost Per Lost Week (1) $1,000.00 - $1,200.00 na
Total Cost Per Hour for 40 Hours $62.00 - $75.00 @ $20.00/hour
Total Cost Per Hour for 30 Hours $67.00 - $80.00 @ $20.00/hour
Total Cost Per Hour for 24 Hours $83.00 - $100.00 @ $20.00/hour
Total Cost Per Hour for 16 Hours $125.00 - $150.00 @ $20.00/hour
Total Cost Per Hour for 12 Hours $167.00 - $200.00 @ $20.00/hour
Total Cost Per Hour for 9 Hours $144.00 - $200.00 @ $20.00/hour
Cost to Train 1 Person Do the math Do the math
Cost to Take 2-3 Courses Per Year Do the math Do the math
Cost to Train Your Staff Do the math Do the math
ABL-Help or ABL-Help Pro Reference Not included Included
Your Budget for classes 1 class per person per year and sometimes certain groups will be excluded One or all classes for one or all staff
Staff-wide training (1 or more courses) Costly or not possible to budget courses + travel Group pricing + multiple courses + no travel = more trained staff

Testing to Reinforce Learning 0 and no time for it Yes
Passing Score Needed on Quizzes 0 and no time for it Yes
Passing Score Needed on Final 0 and no time for it Yes
Live Training - Vacation / Party Factor Varies by person None
Texting / Surfing / E-Mail at Course Varies by person None - Resume where you were
Doing Other Work at Course Varies by person None - Resume where you were
Person Leaves for Another Job 1 yr. Cost High / Benefit Low Cost Low / Benefit Low
Person Leaves for Another Job 3 yrs. Cost High / Benefit High Cost Low / Benefit High
Several Courses - Person Leaves 1 yr. Cost Very High / Benefit Low Cost Low / Benefit Low
Several Courses - Person Leaves 3 yrs. Cost Very High / Benefit High Cost Low / Benefit High
Course Materials - Content Fair - Good Leading
Course Time Constraints Materials fit time constraints Complete and in-depth
Course Update Policy Every few years Monthly
Course Refund Policy 80% Refund (most providers) 100% refund
Instructor Knowledge Good - Great - Expert Expert
Instructor Teaching Experience New - Seasoned Seasoned
Course Author Others - Instructor Instructor
Course Materials Basic, PowerPoint State-of-the art
Your Ability to Supervise Progress (2) Knowledge that person attended Supervisor sees progress
Ability to Ask Questions (3) YES YES
See Q&A From Other Participants (3) NO YES
Enjoyment In Taking Course Modules Varies by course and instructor Fun, perhaps entertaining
Stress Level To Get Course Completed Wrap-up prior week of work, travel to course, interruptions, travel home, back to work, missed messages, and details to catch up with. Take the courses any time and almost anywhere

Carbon Footprint (4) 0.21-.0.65 metric tons of CO2 10-20 grams CO2 / PC hour

(1)  Assume average salary + benefits + office costs of $50,000.00- $60,000.00 per 50 week year.

(2)  Applies to Group courses with an assigned supervisor.  Individual purchases do not have a supervisor assigned.

(3)  Students have a discussion board (per lesson) that is monitored by the instructor of record and includes other student comments and answers from past questions.  E-Mail and phone support for questions are included.

(4)  Typical travel 1,000-3,000 mile trip by plane see

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